The 35th annual International AIDS Candlelight Memorial offers our community an important time to reflect on the past as we look toward the future.
這個國際盛會已經讓社群以及所有關懷這個議題的人凝聚團結的力量已經有30多年的 面對艾滋病毒和艾滋病已經有三十多年了。
這一次將由Living Positive Victoria主辦這個活動,在這個夜裡我們將緬懷那些因為愛滋病毒而失去的摯愛以及對長久以來對於關懷與支援愛滋關懷的事件與感染者的凝結
即便是今日仍有37萬人感染艾滋病毒, 面臨的不只是人生的挑戰, 要克服面對大眾對於艾滋病毒的恥辱和以及治療過程中的一些身心障礙
This international event is has been bringing the community together in the face of HIV and AIDS for over three decades. Hosted by Living Positive Victoria, we're proud to sponsor this annual event where we remember those we’ve lost to HIV and AIDS as well as stand in solidarity with people living with HIV today. With 37 million people living with HIV today, there are still challenges to overcome including HIV stigma and access to treatment.
This free and accessible event will feature:
主發言人:Bill O'Loughlin / Keynote speaker: Bill O’Loughlin
閉幕發言人:Fiona Patten MLC / Closing speaker: Fiona Patten MLC
Personal narratives from the Positive Speakers Bureau
當天將有 LowRez男高音合唱團現場演出
Music by LowRez Male Choir
Come along and join many staff, clients and volunteers with our sister organisation LPV.
日期: 五月20日, 星期日, 2018 / Date: Sunday 20 May, 2018
時間: 下午5.00時6.30分 / Time: 5.00pm – 6.30pm
Address: Queensbridge Square – Corner of Southbank Boulevard & Queens Bridge Street
地址: queensbridge廣場- southbank大道和queens bridge街的角落
PS: 在此宣導這場晚會參與關懷的不只是LGBTQ團體,還有很多我們身邊因為無法選擇而曾經面對感染與失去摯愛的人一般大眾
PS: This event is not only just the LGBTQ community, it is also for people around us who have faced infections and people lost their loved one who faced or fought for it.
我們10天後見 See you soon, 20/5