LoveIN The City - Melbourne 在這個城市裡 墨爾本
Endeavour • Southern Hemisphere -- mr.andrew 勇往奮進 • 南半球 -- mr.安德魯
Presents my life achievement and journey in Australia and the appreciation to this city.
The best way to pay my tribute is sharing this city with everyone.
Melbourne, thank you, I💓U.
呈現是我勇往奮進南半球的歷程和感謝, 當我努力尋找生活的同時卻也受到這個城市的引領而行更加了解自我,檢視了過去,看清腳下,繼續放眼未來.
在這個城市裡,美好的不是景,而是那純善歸屬, 簡單生活, 美好初衷的生命展現. 其中那最美好的幸福與快樂就是與你一同共享. 感謝. 墨爾本. I💓U.
This blog based in Melbourne. Whoever you are, the residents, overseas students, traveller or business visitor, here provides everyone with the information to explore, to communicate and to engage with this city.
Please join us to see, to eat, to listen, to touch, to feel, to travel, to live and to "lovein" the city. Welcome to be in Melbourne.
請與我們一同去看,去吃,去聽,去接觸,去感受,去旅遊, 不僅身在這個城市,還要心屬與此.墨爾本,歡迎你
Look forward to meeting the people who have faith and willing to create the life together.
Look forward to meeting the people who will be shoulder by the shoulder as parabatais <1> whatever comes we face together.
Goodness is the core value to the thought of everything. Fine and glorious is the expectation of the end of divergent thinking.
期待 • 一起為創造人生的人
• 一群為未來奮鬥的朋友
善 • 是一切中心的思維發點
美 • 是一切發散的盡終期待
Life is not only about black and white, but truly honest to our heart to live the life.
Perfection is just a fancy dream, no end day and untouchable.
Let’s give in all our efforts, attitude and spirit to enjoy every glorious moment belonging to us.
一切無愧於心 ,無非追求完美而是寄託美好
This blog is also how I pay my own tribute to myself and my life.
I am phenomenal.
<1> “Parabatai” comes from heniochoi kai parabatai which means "charioteers and side-men" in Ancient Greek, where the side-man (the parabatai) cannot leave the charioteer (heniochoi) and fights from the chariot to protect the other, while the charioteer drives; the one is useless without the other. In other terms, it can also mean a soldier paired with a chariot driver.
<1>“Parabatai”來自古希臘語中的heriiochoi kai parabatai,意思是“戰車和旁人”,在那裡側人(parabatai)不能離開戰車(heniochoi)並且從戰車上戰鬥以保護另一個人, 而駕車者駕駛; 沒有其他人就沒用了。 換句話說,它也可能意味著一名士兵與一名戰車司機配對。
(眼睛$$ 點頭....)
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