I think everyone should notice that I am very active on FB these two weeks. It's because I want to share the information with everyone.
Since I came to Australia, it has been 4 years. People always asking me, "How are you, Andrew?", "How's the life in Melbourne?", "I saw your photos you, did you really work in Australian Open, Australian Grand Prix Formula One and Melbourne Cup? watching free concerts and bump into Roger Federer?? But also a lot of friends I met in Australia, they told me about some issues in their foreign life.
我來到澳大利亞已經4年了。人們總是問我:“你好嗎,安德魯?”,“墨爾本的生活怎麼樣?”,“我看過你的照片,你在澳大利亞公開賽,澳大利亞一級方程式大獎賽和墨爾本杯嗎?並碰到羅傑,費德勒?? 是怎則做到的?但也有很多我在澳大利亞遇到的朋友,他們告訴我他們在外國生活中的一些問題。
I most understand and know how different and tough to have a life in foreign country. A lot of problems with the unfair condition relative to work, study and house rental. I experienced, so I knew it. I was very frustrated, but I 200 % disagree to compromise with that. I don't like to see anyone of you, including myself, stucking or suffering in a huge stress. I know every one of us is brave to leave our comfortable zoom to be here and chase our dream. We are the dreamers, we are the adventurers, we gave ourselves the opportunity to seek our life and future. We should be treated well.
After dealing with my daily life and regular, schedule, I am only able to spend nights to do my assessments and to do all the research, to read a lot of articles, to analyse the information, to think, to process and to learn about Some new tech. It's massive works. Once I make it, all the information will be on the blog. Then I hope everyone one you can have a better life here, I can't guarantee you that, but I believe at least the information Will help you have less trouble.
For some of you who are not here in Australia, do I have any information for you? Yes, I do. I have been living in Melbourne years now. One of my jobs is as a tour guide and localhost. I think I could provide Some useful information to you. Like the secret hidden tasty restaurants, cafes, the great winery, the nice place to visit, what's fun and what's on in Melbourne. Yes, these are the things I can tell all of you as well. I am Not the expert, not the famous blogger. But I know a lot of you and me, we are just trying to settle life and even assist the family. We still can find the way to enjoy life as long as we put more efforts. For Example, I have watched a lot of few concerts, like 4 nights of Ed Sheeran, 2 nights of Justin Bieber, 2 nights of Coldplay and 2 nights of Adele. at least 10 concerts, I was there and watched and listened for free.
對於不在澳大利亞的其他人,我是否有資訊是你們想知道的呢?當然有。住在墨爾本的幾年。我的工作之一就是駐地的導遊和商務接待。我想我可以向你提供一些有用的信息。就像秘密的美味餐館,咖啡館,非常棒的酒莊,好玩的地方,有趣的事情以及墨爾本各式各樣的活動。是的,這些都是我可以告訴你們所有人的事情。我不是專家,不是著名的部落客。但我知道一件事,我門之中有很多很苦賺錢只是想要存錢,存基金,有的追夢,有的只是cover生活,甚至有人是寄錢給家人。但並不代表我們不能找到享受生活的方式,其實有一些方法可以做得到,只要多努力多用心跟Work smart。例如,我曾經觀看過很多的演唱會,比如紅髮艾德4場,小賈斯汀2場,ColdPlay 2場,阿黛爾 2晚。至少10場音樂會,我都是看免費的,既不用搶門票,還被付錢去看。
You must think that my English is very good all the time. That's how I had reached these achievements in Australia. Now I am going to confess one thing. I think only besides my Mom and my dad knew it. I never think about I will tell anyone. I'm so embarrassed. My English scores of university enrolling examination in Taiwan was very lower. (It was between 0~40) "How much of the scores?" I will tell you soon.
你一定認為我能做到這一些事,是因為我的英語很好。其實不然。現在我要承認一件事。我想除了我親愛的老爸老媽知道之外。有件丟連的事我一直都不想說.我甚至從來沒有想過有一天我會說出來。其實我當年大學聯考的英語成績真的很不能看啊。 “到底多少分?”先賣個關子。
To Work in Australian Open, Australian Grand Prix Formula One and Melbourne Cup, to have all these experience like me, it's not difficult. You need to know one thing and tell yourself. If I can do it, then you can do it. How? Keep following "LoveIN The City" and give me a like or anything to encourage me. I will tell you soon.
在澳大利亞公開賽,澳大利亞大獎賽一級方程式賽和墨爾本杯賽中工作,想經歷這樣超棒的事情並不難。你只需要告訴你自己一句話。“如果mr.安德魯能做到,那麼我就可以做到。方法是什麼?繼續關注“LoveIN The City”,給我點鼓勵,按讚,加入粉絲專業。很快我會把重要的訣竅跟你說.
Before I told you the truth, let's play a game first.
Please link: <Game--What's English exam scores? 猜猜到底英文測驗拿分數 >